News Item

The Node

Added on: 12-August, 2023

If you’re a DevBio enthusiast, I am sure you’ve come across The Node. Run by the journal Development and its publisher, Company of Biologists, this community website, is part of our inspiration. But in case you haven’t, read on! Joyce You, The Node’s Community Manager, tells about the Node and what they do.

About the Node

The Node is a place to read, write and interact with a global community of developmental and stem cell biologists. This is your site: once you’ve registered, you can freely share your blog post, job advert or event notice with the community, and interact with colleagues from around the world. You can also join and access the Node Network, a global directory of developmental and stem cell biologists.

Writing for the Node

Want to write for the Node but need some ideas? Check out our Writing ideas page. 

As part of our effort to showcase developmental biology research and researchers around the world, the Node is looking to collaborate with different societies to write about developmental biology in the region. 

Are you interested to write about the history of developmental biology in India or the history of InSDB? Or are there any current or past developmental biologists you want to highlight? Get in touch. We at the Node are always happy to help at any point of the process, from sketching out an outline to editing drafts, to helping with the final posting of the piece.


preLights is a preprint highlights service run by the biological community and supported by The Company of Biologists. Our dedicated team of scientists from the community select, highlight and comment on preprints they feel are of particular interest to the biological community. We always welcome applications for new preLighters; more information can be found on our ‘about us’ page.

Travelling fellowships and other opportunities for early-career researchers

Browse The Company of Biologists’ list of grants and networking opportunities for early-career researchers to connect with others in the scientific community, including Travelling Fellowships where early-career researchers can receive up to £3,000 to make a collaborative visit to another lab.

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