News Item

Message from the President

Added on: 05-July, 2023

Maneesha Inamdar

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings! I am thrilled to announce the launch of the brand new logo and website for the Indian Society of Developmental Biologists (InSDB). 

The new logo is based on the impressive, iridescent feathers of the peacock, our National Bird. It is pointing skyward with a gastrula at the center, in the colorful eye spot. It represents the Indian community of developmental biologists and reflects our commitment to innovation, collaboration, and advancement of developmental biology. Its vibrant colours represent our diverse community. I hope that as a community member, you will find the logo appealing and inspiring.

Alongside the new logo, we are also unveiling our new website. I hope that it will serve as a hub for all things InSDB – providing a wealth of resources, information, and opportunities for our members. I invite you to explore this website and register yourself as a member to take advantage of the new features that have been built into it to support the community and foster collaborations. 

As you may already know, one of the key benefits of becoming a member of InSDB is the opportunity to enjoy reduced registration fees for any events hosted by the Society, as well as its affiliate organizations. By joining InSDB, you gain access to a vast network of developmental biologists, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and potential research partnerships. To better manage and sustain these activities we request existing members to register again and pay the nominal membership fee, which will be announced shortly.

Additionally, as a member, you will have your own profile page on our website, allowing you to showcase your expertise, research interests, and accomplishments. This profile serves as a platform for connecting with other members, enabling you to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and seek guidance on troubleshooting tricky protocols, analyses, and other scientific challenges. Our forum provides a dedicated space for asking questions, seeking advice, and receiving answers from experienced members, further enhancing your research.

We are also excited to announce that when you write articles, win awards, or successfully defend your thesis, you will have the opportunity to be featured on our website with a spotlight article linking to your member profile. This recognition will not only highlight your achievements but also inspire others within the community.

So, we encourage you to join our growing community of developmental biologists by becoming a member of InSDB today. Membership is free until September. And do please feel free to forward this email to others and spread the word on social media.

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We value your support and look forward to welcoming you as a member of InSDB.

Thank you for your continued commitment to advancing developmental biology.

Warm regards,

Maneesha Inamdar,
President, InSDB

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