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Saurabh Mandal’s Talks, News, Publications & Articles
Research article: An efficient human stem cells derived cardiotoxicity testing platform for testing oncotherapeutic analogues of quercetin and cinnamic acid
Research article: Inhibition of breast cancer stem-like cells by a triterpenoid, ursolic acid, via activation of Wnt antagonist, sFRP4 and suppression of miRNA-499a-5p
Research article: Encapsulated human mesenchymal stem cells (eMSCs) as a novel anti-cancer agent targeting breast cancer stem cells: Development of 3D primed therapeutic MSCs
Research article: Nanoparticles generated from a tryptophan derivative: physical characterization and anti-cancer drug delivery
Research article: Engineered Biocompatible and Stable Dipeptide Hydrogel with Tunable Mechanical and Cell Growth Properties to Embolden Neuroglial Cell Growth
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