The Indian Society of Developmental Biologists (InSDB) organizes a conference every two years, bringing together scientists and researchers in the field of developmental biology. The previous conference, held in Kanpur in 2018, was a tremendous success, generating significant enthusiasm within the developmental biology community in India. Now, after a considerable hiatus, we are delighted to announce the upcoming InSDB Biennial meeting, scheduled to take place from February 21st to 24th, 2024, at the vibrant Bangalore Life Sciences Cluster.
The organizing committee is working to curate a program that will feature exceptional talks in diverse areas of developmental biology from national and international invited speakers. In addition to the invited talks, the conference will select talks and posters from submitted abstracts and we hope to spotlight the numerous new labs that have been established in India in recent years. Finally, there will also be dedicated sessions on focussed workshops that cover a range of topics, such as imaging tools and techniques, developing research exchanges with universities and colleges, marine biology advancements, and more.
As the conference date approaches, we encourage you to stay tuned and watch this space for forthcoming details regarding the conference schedule, registration process, and abstract submission guidelines. The InSDB Biennial meeting in 2024 promises to be an extraordinary event, cultivating scientific growth and fostering collaboration. We look forward to your active participation!
Along with talks, we have also curated exciting programs for the participants. In the coming weeks, we will share more about these. For now, check out our one-of-a-kind program, Dance Development!

The developmental processes are beautiful: mechanistically, they are a delicate interplay of cells and molecules that are carefully choreographed and give rise to something amazing like new forms or new cell types. Inspired by this, we invite groups to dance a developmental process.
- Plan a 2-3 minute routine that your group will perform during dinner.
- The only eligibility is that all members of your team have to be registered for the meeting.
- The best routine will receive a substantial cash prize of 50K.

To make our dinners even more exciting, we also have a pub-style quiz night hosted by Urmila Lakshmanan. Teams will be made randomly and the top three groups will receive exciting cash prizes.
A brief about the QM: Urmila Lakshmanan has worked in a bank, a school, more than one consultancy, a newspaper, and a software company. She likes puzzles of various kinds and is also a quizzer and a quizmaster.