
(Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics)

Omics technologies have transformed the understanding of biological machinery in different physiological conditions. This six day hands on workshop aims to bring up and discuss about the latest OMICS technologies that support towards understanding of the biological processes, diagnosis and biomarker discovery.

  • Course Content: The course lectures will be delivered byexperts in the field supplemented by practical, covering all aspects of Genomics andProteomics
  • Theory lectures on Genomics and ProteomicsSample preparation
  • Extensive hands on Genomics and Proteomics technologies
  • Data acquisition followed by data analysis using bioinformatics tools

For Further queries, please write to omics@ncbs.res.in

Selected participants will be informed by 30th July 2023 ParticipationFee (INR):20,000 for Academic and 25,000 for Industries

(Includes shared accommodation and lunch for 6 days)

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09.00 AM

Monday, 28-Aug 2023

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